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How do we worship God?


We use the pattern of the churches in the Bible.  We worship God "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24) which means having the attitude to worship and performing the acts of worship commanded by God.  We assemble regularly (Hebrews 10:25) on the first day of the week to eat the Lord's Supper.  This is God's law (Acts 20:7).  We sing spiritual songs of worship to God to encourage each other in our faith (Colossians 3:16).  We do not use instruments of music since the early church did not use them.  The only instrument authorized in the New Testament is Christians making melody in their heart during a cappella singing (Ephesians 5:19).  We pray to God in worship and in need, thanking God for the blessings in our lives and for the furtherance of the Gospel to save the lost (Acts 12:12).  We give towards the work of the local church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2) as we have prospered (2 Corinthians 9:7).  We worship by hearing God's word, the only doctrine, preached (Acts 20:7). 


What is the main emphasis of the church?


Our main emphasis is the importance of the individual going to heaven.  As simple as this may sound, the Bible teaches that few will find the way to heaven (Matthew 7:13-14) and that many will think they are saved when they are not (Matthew 7:21-23).  This is of great concern and we endeavor to make sure that we are doing the "the will of the Father who is in heaven" and not the will of man.  There are many choices devised by man, not by God.  There is only one way to heaven and our concern is for doctrinal purity, love of each other, and teaching those who are in error.  This is of utmost importance to us and we want to go to heaven and see you there too.


How is the church governed?


We pattern our governing body just like the church in the first century.  Each local church had elders that oversaw the work (Acts 20:28).  Their oversight was limited to the church where they worshipped, there was no office, organization, council, conference, or assembly to which the local church elders answered.  The headquarters of the church are in Heaven and that is where our headquarters are today.  Deacons, (1 Timothy 3:8-10) are men who have the desire to serve, are appointed to do specific work, just as they were in the first century.  The deacons report to the elders and assigned work by the elders.  Ministers of God's word also report to the elders of the local church.


How do you become a member of the Church of Christ?


The Lord himself adds you to his universal body when you are baptized in His name for the forgiveness of your sins.  Since Jesus declared, "Upon this rock I will build my Church" (Matthew 16:18) churches of Christ are identified as belonging to Him (Romans 16:16).  In the church, you will hear everyone entreated to obey the Lord's commands, namely: Believe in Christ (John 8:24); Repent of your sins (Luke 13:3); Confess Christ (Matthew 10:32); and be Baptized into Christ (Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38).  After obeying these commands, you are a Christian, a member of the Lord's church.  After becoming a Christian, you are urged (expected) to continue faithfully in the worship and service of the Lord as the New Testament directs.


Who is welcome in the church of Christ?


YOU ARE!  And everyone who wants to learn the truth, please God and go to Heaven! 


We are privileged and honored to serve God and his congregation of people her at Calvert City.


In the name of Christ, Amen!



PO Box 466

4625 US Hwy 62

Calvert City, KY 42029


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Service Times



 Bible Study     9:15 AM


 Worship        10:00 AM


 Digging Deeper 11:15 AM   



Bible Study      6:30 PM

(All Services Streamed Online)

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